How to make a difference in the energy transition?

“How do you make a difference?” This was the question that was asked students during the opening of the All Energy Day 2014 regarding the energy transition. Probably most of them were a little bit overwhelmed by the enthusiasm of the presenter. They did not have a suitable answer right away, which resulted in silent moments with some awkwardness. Wouter van DierenHowever the first speech of that day triggered the students somehow. The aim of the speech was giving inspiration and Wouter van Dieren, a respectable expert in​ the energy (transition) field and member of the Club of Rome, ​really was inspiring. Van Dieren spoke mainly about how he saw the ideal energy transition. He told us how the current policies of government and companies are insufficient, just wrong or non-existent. It gave me feelings of frustration, inability and worry: everybody is aware of the problem, but nobody takes the right steps to solve it. Or do they not have a clue how to do it?  What the real answer is, I do not know, but I asked myself what we should do instead of continuing to do what we have been doing. Probably many students shared this thought. “Can you tell me what to do when I’m finished studying sir”, was one of the many questions that were asked. Apparently students want action. Not only talking about the great plans we have, but execute them and really turn towards a solution. This is underlined by the great entrepreneurial vibe that in noticed under my fellow students.

To come back on the question were the presenter opened with: “How do you make a difference?” Maybe Spark City is one of the possibilities to make a difference or at least the entrance to the field of energy (transition). I am sure that a student from the audience can make a difference there! ​


Credits for the images go to Z en W Photography – All Energy Day 2014

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